3-Tier Custom Baby Diaper Cake with $15 PLUS package added.
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3-Tier Custom Baby Diaper Cake with $15 PLUS package added.

Sold by: Events Embellished, LLC

This 3-Tier Baby Diaper Cake contains 54 cloth-like feel diapers and contains our $15 Plus Package (stuffed animal, a onesie, a bib, and a pair of booties; we also offer just the cake with or without a custom sign in front; feel free to customize as you desire). We also include a free baby gift in each diaper cake (in the bottom tier) and FREE local delivery or shipping. (This is an example of one of our diaper cakes we handcrafted for a customer; you can customize your diapercake order with your choice of theme, colors of decor/ribbon, embellishment choices, etc.)

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Message on custom ribbon choice or photo sign

custom message, example, example, example, example, custom photo sign, example

Baby GIrl or Baby Boy Theme?

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