Sad Black Girl (SBG) is a collection of poetry, art,tips,and activities that explores the difficulties of dealing with mental illness. Sad Black Girl was first created as an outlet for the author, Harmony Edosomwan, to discuss her struggles with depression, but through time, the purpose of SBG has shifted. It is not only an outlet for the author herself, but can be used as a space for others to release and learn. Society tells Black girls that we aren’t allowed to feel. When we do try, we are barraged with a number of stereotypes, insults, and apathy. But here, in the world of Sad Black Girl, we can feel. There is no judgement here. No stereotypes. No expectations. You can let everything out, without holding back. This a safe space filled with unconditional love and support. Sad Black Girl can’t cover every sad black girl’s experiences, because sad black girls aren’t monolithic. However, this collection of poetry and art is for sad black girls,by fellow sad black girls/femmes. With the rising rates of suicide among Black youth it is imperative for Black and Brown communities to break from the stigma of mental illness. It’s time for society as a whole to destigmatize mental illness. There are ways to deal with and understand your inner pains and traumas. This book doesn’t contain answers, but it is real and raw, and folks will be able to gain tips from people who are are “going through it” as well. This book is intended for Black and Brown audiences, but has since been accepted by a variety of other communities as well. Everyone and anyone can gain and learn from Sad Black Girl.
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