A Barbershop Owner turned his shop into a shelter for more than 50 pepple during the Blizzard in Buffalo.
As news of the tragedies continue to be reported of recent Blizzards across the nation, Craig Elston is being hailed as a hero for saving around 50 people.
He turned his business, C&C Cutz located in Buffalo, New York, into a shelter and started bringing in people who were freezing outside and getting stuck in the snow.
Elston provided people with money for food and drinks from a corner store 1 mile away. Those who needed food traveled in packs of four for support. He let them sleep in his shop and provided them with barber capes they used blankets as they slept in the barber chairs or on the floor, safe from the outside Blizzard.
The power in his shop stayed on throughout the storm, and he was able to provide everyone with wifi and heat as they waited for the worst of the Blizzard in that time to pass.
Elston told reporters that 50 people came to his shop from Monday to Friday, 30 people stayed all weekend while others came in to recharge their phones, use the wifi, or contact family.
The majority of the people who stayed at the temporarily shelter actually had homes nearby, but their power went out, some started running out of food and supplies, and they were unable to bear the cold so he allowed people from all over the neighborhood to come until things were able to pick back up for them.
Elston even gave money to people who needed it for things like transportation. He told reporters he felt an obligation to his community:
When I said it was free of charge, people said I saved their life…
People’s been reaching out to me calling me a hero, and the most I tell them is that I’m no hero. I’m just a person that got a heart…
I felt like at that time it was what I was supposed to do. I’m sitting in a warm place and I got lights and people are without lights. People are without gas, people are without food, people are without drinks. And I have all those things and I have access to all those things. I’m not gonna be selfish.