Purple raw SEAMOSS
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Purple raw SEAMOSS

Sold by: Mixelasnaturals

Sea moss aka (Irish moss)

2.oz of Raw Sea moss makes 8 (4) oz jars of sea moss

Sea moss aka (Irish moss) is harvested along the Caribbean coastline & sun-dried. It’s considered a superfood, which contains 92 out of the 102 minerals that the body needs as well as vitamins & other essentials compounds for a healthy body.

Benefits of sea moss: Calcium potassium zinc, B12 Vitamin A B C & lots more.

Its commonly used to make:

Shakes & smoothies
Bread, muffins, puddings & pastries
Soups & dishes
Sauces, Dips; mayonnaise & Dressings
Facial Mask. Cosmetics & skin care.
And lots more.
How is it prepared:

Rinse off in water & lime to remove the excess sea salt.

Soak in like. Spring water or distilled water to re-hydrate. The sea moss will double in size and become softer.


1. Rinse off in water and lime to remove any excess sea salt.

2. Soak in lime, spring water or distilled water to re-hydrate. The sea moss will more than double in size and become softer.

3. TO USE (NO HEAT) – Add the whole sea moss to the blender when making smoothies or store I’m a glass jar etc., and enjoy!

GET RAW IRISH MOSS for healthier living NOW!

Shelled fish feed on Sea Moss, so caution should be taken if you have an allergy to shelled fish.

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