WVLF Metabolic Booster

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Sold by: WVLF Celf Care


Our super sea moss gel is a great alternative source of iodine for anybody who isn’t huge on Incorporating fish in their everyday day. Iodine deficiency is a very common thing especially here in America . Many foods , chemicals , & even water have been treated with toxins like bromine & fluoride which strip the body of it . Iodine plays a huge role in breast/ovarian/thyroid health , immunity, asthma/allergies, hormones, & metabolism. People with larger amounts of body fat require more iodine in their diet. We’ve also infused elderberry to better the taste and add vitamin C to help with immune health. Read more into iodine via @fitwolfkobe’s hashtag #GetToKnowIodine on both Facebook and Instagram to see what to avoid to better improve its effects . 1 or 2 spoonfuls a day should suffice . You can take it straight up or add it to your smoothies/shakes .  




Magnesium deficiency is a very common thing amongst the population with very detrimental effects on peoples health long term! Everyday foods do not provide adequate amounts of magnesium hence why deficiencies are quite common. Magnesium plays a HUGE role in cellular metabolism and is vital in energy production.  Replenish your stores & rebuild your body today ! Be sure to read more into magnesium facts via @fitwolfkobe ‘s #magfacts hashtag on Instagram and Facebook . Be sure to read into magnesium burners/robbers & why magnesium supplementation may not work for you here :








1 or 2 capsules a day should get you right


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