I personally believe that there is no right or wrong style of art. However, there ARE right and wrong techniques for creating it. Formally studying fine art through higher education has allowed me to not only explore a wider range of artistic mediums, but to also learn first-hand the proper techniques for using them.
“Aiesha the Artist” is about quality. My goal is to consistently provide affordable, high-quality creations to those whom it attracts. This shop allows me to do just that. And you, my fellow shopper, allow me to give my art a new home. For that, I thank you.
Vendor Biography
I personally believe that there is no right or wrong style of art. However, there ARE right and wrong techniques for creating it. Formally studying fine art through higher education has allowed me to not only explore a wider range of artistic mediums, but to also learn first-hand the proper techniques for using them.
“Aiesha the Artist” is about quality. My goal is to consistently provide affordable, high-quality creations to those whom it attracts. This shop allows me to do just that. And you, my fellow shopper, allow me to give my art a new home. For that, I thank you.
~ Be cool. Be you.