Everyone is different! Which is a wonderful thing, it means you’re unique.
Until it comes to a mental illness, then people seem to forget about your uniqueness and miscomprehend different as WRONG.
For those of you that don’t know me I go by Sky, a Momtrepreneur, and I have a handsome 4-year-old son that’s my world. Meet Karter with a “K”, don’t let him tell you again. Lol. Karter is strong, intelligent, energetic, comedic, yet DIFFERENT, and I love everything about him. We recently received the diagnoses that Karter has Asperger Syndrome, which is on the lowest spectrum of Autism that’s high functioning. He also has Sensory Processing Disorder and ADHD. Some people may have had a mini heart attack or fit about the few diagnoses I just stated, and if you did, bless your heart. We are thriving honey! Those diagnoses don’t scare me, instead they prompted myself to be observant on how to address situations a bit DIFFERENT because my child is, and so is your child.
This is a new journey for us, not because of the diagnosis themselves, rather a new journey of meeting one another along with better understanding. Recognizing that Karter was being triggered by a lot I decided to readjust my conditioned ways with different approaches in conversation, discipline, learning, and everyday activities. It wasn’t (isn’t) easy, there were many days of crying, feeling defeated, as well as little to no support where it was needed. Once I stepped back to understand him and our situation better, he was able to understand me better as well. Even though times are still challenging, and this process is new, our relationship has never been better.
Karter has helped me see things healthier and DIFFERENT. I’m no expert but I know my child,so this journey has me more observant and in learning mode. I would like to encourage any and everyone to come along with us on our journey, especially single parents (like myself), second guessers, those lacking support, skeptics, etc. To my black families, let go of the past and BREAK these generational curses. We are battling against ourselves. I’m not saying you mustmedicate, belittle, restrict, or be careless with your child(ren), but be mindful, aware, and educated. Mental illness doesn’t just awaken as an adult, it starts with our youth! Imagine how many of your parent and grandparents were misdiagnosed (due to the “ain’t nothing wrong with him” or “kids will be kids” mentality) and now you’re wondering why things are so complicated because you’re going about it a different way instead of your way, the way that fits you and your child (emphasis on your child). Provide more focus to the parent and child relationshipand imagine the peace that could promote an easier life. I chose understanding and knowledge and I won’t stop fighting, learning, and progressing because its bigger than just myself and my son, It’s a MOVEMENT now!
Well, I came to tell you that I birthed a new baby and it’s only the beginning. Introducing, “Kant Stop The Movement LLC!” This is an online store dedicated to loved ones who have sensory differences whether it’s hypo- or hypersensitivity. If your little one (LO) just can’t stop moving and need MORE or LESS ofa feeling, then I’m sure this will be the store for you. I am launching the store with 30+ items that will be satisfactory to many, but I will not be stopping here. I’m ready to learn and grow with so many of you. I will continue to share our story so please feel free to do the same because this is a movement that can’t be stopped. Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube (coming soon). New content and merch to come!
Vendor Biography
Everyone is different! Which is a wonderful thing, it means you’re unique.
Until it comes to a mental illness, then people seem to forget about your uniqueness and miscomprehend different as WRONG.
For those of you that don’t know me I go by Sky, a Momtrepreneur, and I have a handsome 4-year-old son that’s my world. Meet Karter with a “K”, don’t let him tell you again. Lol. Karter is strong, intelligent, energetic, comedic, yet DIFFERENT, and I love everything about him. We recently received the diagnoses that Karter has Asperger Syndrome, which is on the lowest spectrum of Autism that’s high functioning. He also has Sensory Processing Disorder and ADHD. Some people may have had a mini heart attack or fit about the few diagnoses I just stated, and if you did, bless your heart. We are thriving honey! Those diagnoses don’t scare me, instead they prompted myself to be observant on how to address situations a bit DIFFERENT because my child is, and so is your child.
This is a new journey for us, not because of the diagnosis themselves, rather a new journey of meeting one another along with better understanding. Recognizing that Karter was being triggered by a lot I decided to readjust my conditioned ways with different approaches in conversation, discipline, learning, and everyday activities. It wasn’t (isn’t) easy, there were many days of crying, feeling defeated, as well as little to no support where it was needed. Once I stepped back to understand him and our situation better, he was able to understand me better as well. Even though times are still challenging, and this process is new, our relationship has never been better.
Karter has helped me see things healthier and DIFFERENT. I’m no expert but I know my child,so this journey has me more observant and in learning mode. I would like to encourage any and everyone to come along with us on our journey, especially single parents (like myself), second guessers, those lacking support, skeptics, etc. To my black families, let go of the past and BREAK these generational curses. We are battling against ourselves. I’m not saying you mustmedicate, belittle, restrict, or be careless with your child(ren), but be mindful, aware, and educated. Mental illness doesn’t just awaken as an adult, it starts with our youth! Imagine how many of your parent and grandparents were misdiagnosed (due to the “ain’t nothing wrong with him” or “kids will be kids” mentality) and now you’re wondering why things are so complicated because you’re going about it a different way instead of your way, the way that fits you and your child (emphasis on your child). Provide more focus to the parent and child relationshipand imagine the peace that could promote an easier life. I chose understanding and knowledge and I won’t stop fighting, learning, and progressing because its bigger than just myself and my son, It’s a MOVEMENT now!
Well, I came to tell you that I birthed a new baby and it’s only the beginning. Introducing, “Kant Stop The Movement LLC!” This is an online store dedicated to loved ones who have sensory differences whether it’s hypo- or hypersensitivity. If your little one (LO) just can’t stop moving and need MORE or LESS ofa feeling, then I’m sure this will be the store for you. I am launching the store with 30+ items that will be satisfactory to many, but I will not be stopping here. I’m ready to learn and grow with so many of you. I will continue to share our story so please feel free to do the same because this is a movement that can’t be stopped. Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube (coming soon). New content and merch to come!