Our mission is to preserve the foundation laid before us by our African ancestors. By creating a space that provides information, education, and outreach to each other in a spiritual but judgment-free setting. This is a safe space for practitioners of Brujeria, Curandismo, Espiritismo, Lukumi, Sanse, Santeria, Santisima Muerte, Nola Voodoo, Maria Lionza, and Vodou. African American Hoodoo and African Diasporic traditions are an all universal and earth-based spiritual path to building, strengthening, and unifying the world around us. Services offered by Hoodoo Haven include creating sacred spaces, energy balancing and healing familial ties. My intent is to help you become more spiritually aligned with a life that provides you with peace in mind, body and spirit.
Vendor Biography
Our mission is to preserve the foundation laid before us by our African ancestors. By creating a space that provides information, education, and outreach to each other in a spiritual but judgment-free setting. This is a safe space for practitioners of Brujeria, Curandismo, Espiritismo, Lukumi, Sanse, Santeria, Santisima Muerte, Nola Voodoo, Maria Lionza, and Vodou. African American Hoodoo and African Diasporic traditions are an all universal and earth-based spiritual path to building, strengthening, and unifying the world around us. Services offered by Hoodoo Haven include creating sacred spaces, energy balancing and healing familial ties. My intent is to help you become more spiritually aligned with a life that provides you with peace in mind, body and spirit.