Masci Lashaun Sledge
Masci Lashaun Sledge

Masci Lashaun Sledge

Vendor Biography

Hey everyone! I am Masci Lashaun Sledge! I am a Spiritual Life Activist & Mindful Living Coach as well as the founder and creator of Mindful Living Solutions. What lead me to create this platform was my own experience with trauma, anxiety, depression and post traumatic stress.

While I have never been diagnosed, I am able to use discernment based on my life experiences to know I have suffered from all of the above. In this lifetime of mine I have experienced sexual assault and trauma three times and I was a witness to domestic violence. I subconsciously carried all of this around with me as a child and well into adulthood. This lead to me being unkind and a bully. It lead to anger issues, lack of motivation, disbelief in myself and low self-esteem.

In September of 2015, I was beginning to see that I wanted something to be different. I wanted to be happy. I wanted to feel joy. I wanted to know peace and this is why I started practicing mindfulness meditation and yoga in 2016. These two practices lead me down a path of self-discovery and self-acceptance. It’s a path, I’ve found, that will never end but that grows lighter and lighter the more aware I become.

In 2013 I received my degree in Social Work and it’s through pursuing a career in this field that I learned I wasn’t supposed to work with people in a traditional manner.

Mindful Living Solutions affords me the opportunity to share the tools that have helped me overcome self-limiting beliefs and behaviors with individuals and groups in order to assist them on their journey back home to self. I am not here to do the work for anyone. I am here to empower and uplift the hearts, minds and souls of everyone I serve. I am here to support individuals and groups in the process of creating a happy, productive and fulfilling life and I always honored when people allow me to journey alongside of them.