Busi's Home Goods & Treats
Busi's Home Goods & Treats

Busi's Home Goods & Treats

Vendor Biography

Hello! My name is Ki & I am a DMV based vegan baker, aspiring to one day be a pastry chef or private chef. Thank you for coming to check out my shop! Everything I serve here is plant based deliciousness! Be it your sweet tooth for something cinnamony, chocolatey, or fruit-tastic, Busi has you covered! All of my ingredients are carefully selected to keep you feeling good & eating good! If you are interested in hearing more about how The Busi Vegan came to be, keep reading down below! & If you’re here to satisfy that sweet tooth, below you’ll find my current assortment of treats, happy eating!


I started my business using typical baking ingredients, under the name “Busi Baking” in the year 2017 (age 17) when I was a senior in high school. Back then I had participated in a few pop up shops in Baltimore, PG County MD & DC & went on to eventually organize my own pop up shop at the beginning of 2018. Going off to college & growing up put business on pause for me for a while actually, but in the summer of 2020 (age 20) I started vending again at the College Park Farmers Market. I came back as a Vegan Food Vendor, providing small meals, single serve desserts (cookies & pound cakes) & tea drinks. I found that I enjoyed educating the public about living plant based daily. 

By the end of my time at the market (Oct.2020), I had transitioned back into solely providing baked goods & tea drinks to the public. This transition stemmed from going out to find vegan desserts unappetizing. Within my baking at home, I came to the realization of how simple it is to recreate desserts that are so hard to find. Most of the things we use in our day to day baking can be substituted for something that isn’t made from our animal friends, but comes directly from the earth & it can be just as yummy! I feel like the veggie tale community often gets misinterpreted in the food industry, I’m here to add to the positive representation! Be your diet vegetarian, transitioning, vegan, gluten free, keto, omnivore or carnivore, we all want to eat with no shame! My treats offer happiness for eaters of all types. 

In present day, I have actually decided to follow my baking passion for good. I aspire to continue to wow peoples minds with my creations, you wont find better vegan desserts out there! I am currently in the process of getting my online platform up & running to make this a full time thing! Now, if you’ve read this far, thank you so so much for taking the time out to get to know a bit about me! I appreciate your support very much & hope to soon get to know a bit about you! Be sure to keep up to date with new pop up locations in your city & new goodies by following @thebusivegan on all social platforms.