Vegan Glow Bar
Vegan Glow Bar

Vegan Glow Bar

Vendor Biography

Back in 2017 I tinkered around with some of my favorite bath and body products. I never enjoyed the feel of applying lotion after a shower at bedtime. It always made me feel as if I had on stockings. 

Fast forward to the heart-breaking year I call COVID 2020. Also known as, The Year of Clarity, for me. I began my trial-and-error process to create a body scrub where the sugar did not scratch the skin yet still provided the exfoliation process.  I have been vegan for over five years, so the ingredients had to be non-abrasive as well. 

I had my Girl Scout Troop at the time, create these as a craft project for Mother’s Day. I had a few jars left over and I took them home. After several self-sabotaging events and doubting myself, I decided to create a small business. 


Thank you to everyone that believed in me and supported me along the way. I appreciate all feedback and criticism as I continue to make my products better.